MOOTO CD-ROM Practical Gyeorugi

MOOTO CD-ROM Practical Gyeorugi

Pack de trois CD-Rom regroupant plus de 1500 vidéos de haute qualité. Mouvements détaillés, demonstrations exactes par des professionels, exercices techniques pour differentes situations.

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58,00 €


Disponibilité : Ce produit n'est plus en stock

Langue : ANGLAIS

 “Practical GYEORUGI” is the world’s first multimedia training program of the revised regulations of the WTF. Unlike other Taekwondo instruction books, this program will provide various types of tactical exercises and strategies with multimedia contents for you to apply them in actual competitions.

For better understanding, this product contains 15 chapters of contents such as basic moves,
practical moves, practices, etc. made into 3 CDs.

In order to provide more effective and interactive contents for the Taekwondo students,
these CDs introduce various types of training data with high-quality images and dynamic contents.
All contents in the CDs are made according to the newly revised regulations of the WTF so every Taekwondo master, student, or athlete can use the product as a Taekwondo Gyeorugi textbook.

This product allows masters to obtain the ability to train students to be the best, and will be a great
master for the students.

If you repeatedly train with the program, you will find yourself with improved skills and your own techniques.

Bande annonce

CD 1: You can learn definition and theory of “Gyeorugi” along with basics such as stance, step, punching, and kicking.


Wrist and Ankle
Knee Rotations
Knee Presser(Short)
Knee Presser(Long)
Hamstring Stretch
Seated Leg Shaker
Seated Leg Stretch
Seated Ankle Stretch
Seated Knee Presser
Calves Stretch
Seated Back Twister
Seated One Leg Stretch
Leg Split
Seated Leg Shaker
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Leg Split and Upper Body Bend(Sideward)
Leg Split and Upper Body Bend(Front)
Seated Pelvis Presser
Back Stretch
Leg Split While Lying Down
Upper Body Lifter
Arch Stretch
Body Twister
Seated Body Shaker

Physical Training
High Jump with Two Legs
High Jump with Extended Arm
High Jump with Leg Split
High Jump with Two Legs Bent Inside
High Jump Combination
High Jump with Crossed Feet
High Jump with One Foot Lifted

Open foot form
Closed foot form
Right Stance
Left Stance
Straight stance
Opposite Stance

Basic Step
Standing step
Back and forth step
Stance switching step
Switch step
Sideward step

Forward Step
Forward step with both feet
Step where rear foot goes forward
Forward step with front foot lifted
Forward step with rear foot lifted
Switch forward step
Fast-walking forward step
Forward Runner Step
Spin forward step

Backward step
Backward step with both feet
Backward step with rear foot lifted
Step where front foot goes backward
Backward runner step
Sideward step
Sideward step with both feet
Step where one foot moves sideward

Practical step
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15

7.Practical Kick
Runner Kick
Switch kick
Double Kick-Front foot+Rear foot
Double kick-Rear foot+Front foot
Double kick-Middle section+High section
Tornado Kick-Middle section
Tornado Kick-High section
Jump back kick-Middle section
Jump back kick-High section
Jump Back(Spinning) Hook kick
Runner X-Kick
Runner Hook kick
Round House kick for counterattack-Front foot
Round House kick for counterattack-Rear foot

8.Kick Practices
Facing Each Other(Group)

While moving forward(Individual)
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3

While moving forward(Group)
Method 1
Method 2

9.Kick Practices with Equipment
Formation 1
Formation 2
Formation 3

CD 2: This contains various types of practices for different situations and exercises to relax your muscles after practices.

1.Combination Kick(Individual)
Attack and Attack
Round House Kick + Back Kick
Round House Kick + Tornado Kick
Round House Kick + Back Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Runner X Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Back Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Back Hook Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Double Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Tornado Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Push Kick
Runner X Kick + Back Kick
Runner X Kick + Round House Kick
Runner X Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Runner X Kick + Double Kick
Runner X Kick + Tornado Kick
Runner X Kick + Push Kick
X Kick + Back Kick

Attack and Counterattack
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Double Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi+ Jump Back Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Jump Back Spinning Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Block and punch
Runner Push Kick + Hand Block and Punch
Runner Push Kick + Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spin Hook Kick

Counterattack and Counterattack
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + Hand Block and Punch
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Round House Kick
Double Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Jump Back Kick
Double Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick

Counterattack and Attack
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round Houseg Kick + Tornado Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spin Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Push Kick
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Round House Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Round House Kick + Hand Block
Jump Back Kick + Jump Back Kick
Jump Back Kick + Front Foot Hook Kick
Jump Back Kick + Round House Kick
Jump Back Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Jump Back Kick + Runner X Kick
Jump Back Kick + Double Kick
Jump Back Kick + Tornado Kick

2.Combination Kick(2 in 1 Group)
Attack and Attack

Round House Kick + Back Kick
Round House Kick + Tornado Kick
Round House Kick + Back Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Runner X Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Back Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Back Hook Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Double Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Tornado Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Push Kick
Runner X Kick + Back Kick
Runner X Kick + Round House Kick
Runner X Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Runner X Kick + Double Kick
Runner X Kick + Tornado Kick
Runner X Kick + Push Kick
X Kick + Back Kick

Attack and Counterattack
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Double Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Round House Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi+ Jump Back Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Jump Back Spinning Kick
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi + Block and punch
Runner Push Kick + Hand Block and Punch
Runner Push Kick + Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spin Hook Kick
Counterattack and Counterattack
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + Hand Block and Punch
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Round House Kick
Double Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Jump Back Kick
Double Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick

Counterattack and Counterattack
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round House Kick + Hand Block and Punch
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Round House Kick
Double Kick + Hook Kick
Double Kick + Jump Back Kick
Double Kick + Jump Spining Hook Kick

Counterattack and Attack
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + X Kick
Round House Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Round House Kick + Double Kick
Round Houseg Kick + Tornado Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Spin Hook Kick
Round House Kick + Push Kick
Round House Kick + Round House Kick
Round House Kick + Jump Back Kick
Round House Kick + Runner X Kick
Round House Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Round House Kick + Hand Block
Jump Back Kick + Jump Back Kick
Jump Back Kick + Front Foot Hook Kick
Jump Back Kick + Round House Kick
Jump Back Kick + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Jump Back Kick + Runner X Kick
Jump Back Kick + Double Kick
Jump Back Kick + Tornado Kick

2.Finish-up Exercise and Physical Training
Physical Training after Practice
1 Set of 50 Sit-ups
1 Set of 50 Leg Lifts
1 Set of 50 Back Lifts
1 Set of 50 Shoulder Lifts
1 Set of 50 Push-ups

Finish-up Exercise
Wrist and Ankle Exercise
Neck Exercise
Shoulder Exercise
Waist Exercise
Pelvis Presser
Knee Exercise
Knee Presser(Short)
Knee Presser(Long)
Hamstring Exercise

CD 3: It introduces tactical exercises for you to deal with various situations in Gyeorugi. Also, this CD shows how to deal with different types of opponents along with the newly revised regulations of Gyeorugi.

1.Tactical Exercises
Single Attack
Body Motion + Right Rear Foot Round House Kick
Body Motion + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Body Motion + Back Kick
Front Foot Fake + Round House Kick
Front Foot Fake + Front Foot Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Front Foot Fake + Back Kick
Front Foot Fake + Double Kick
Front Foot Fake + Tornado Kick
Rear Foot Fake + Round House Kick
Rear Foot Fake + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Rear Foot Fake + Double Kick
Rear Foot Fake + Tornado Kick
Rear Foot Fake + Back Kick
Switch Form + Rear Foot Round House Kick
Switch Form + Rear Foot X Kick
Switch Form + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Switch Form + Back Kick
Switch Form + Double Kick
Swith Form + Tornado Kick

Counterattack 1
Left Round House kick while pulling back the left foot
Double Kick While Moving Backward
Right Rear Foot Round House Kick While Moving Backward
Right Rear Foot Jump Back Kick
Right Rear Foot Spin Hook Kick
Front Hand Punch and Left Front Foot Round House
Front Hand Punch and Rear Foot X Kick
Front Hand Punch and Double Kick

Counterattack 2
Left Hand Block and Right Round House Kick
Left Hand Bock and Right Hand Punch
RightRound House Kick while Moving Aside
Right X Kick
Rear Hand Punch and Right Round House Kick(Snap)
Rear Hand Punch and Right X Kick

Counterattack 3
Left Round House kick while moving left foot back
Right Rear Foot Jump Back Kick
Right Rear Foot Jump Spin Hook Kick
Left Round House Kick after moving to left
Right Round House Kick after moving to right

Counterattack 4
Right Rear Foot Round House Kick
Right Rear Foot Jump Back Kick
Right Rear Foot Jump Spin Hook Kick

2.Complex Tactical Exercises
Counterattack of Rear Foot Round House Kick 1
Switch Step + Right Round House Kick While Moving Backward
Switch Stance Step + Left Jump Back Kick(Left Stance
Switch Stance Step + Right Hook Kick(Left Stance
Step + Double Kick While Moving Backward

Counterattack of Rear Foot Round House Kick 2
Step + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Step + Rear Foot Round House Kick
Step + Double Kic
Step + Tornado Kick
Step + Runner X Kick
Step + Rear Foot X Kick

Counterattack of Front Foot Round House kick 1
Switch Step + Right Round House Kick While Moving Backward
Switch Step + Right X Kick(Right Stance)
Step where rear foot moves forward + Right Hook Kick
Step + Double Kick While Moving Backward

Counterattack of Front Foot Round House kick 2
Step + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Step + Rear Foot Round House Kick
Step + Double Kick
Step + Tornado Kick
Step + Runner X Kick
Step + Rear Foot X Kick

Counterattack of Back Kick and Jump Back Kick 1
Switch Step + Right Round House Kick While Moving Backward
Step + Right Round House Kick While Moving To Right
Step + Right Bal-beut-yeo Chagi While Moving Backward

Counterattack of Back Kick and Jump Back Kick 2
Step + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Step + Rear Foot Round House kick
Step + Double Kick
Step + Tornado Kick
Step + Runner X Kick
Step + Rear Foot X Kick

Counterattack of Double Kick
Step + Bal-beut-yeo Chagi
Step+ Rear Foot Round House Kick
Step + Double Kick
Step + Tornado Kick
Step + Runner X Kick
Step+ Rear Foot X Kick

Counterattack of Infighting and Punch
Bal-beut-yeo Chagi(Bend knees and snap attack)
Double Kick(Snap)
Rear Foot Round House Kick(Snap)
Step + Rear Foot X Kick
Step + Back Kick(Snap)
Step + Rear Foot Round House Kick while moving to right

3.General Strategy
Analysis on the opponent before contest
Contest with an opponent that was not analyzed
Strategy against an offensive opponent
Strategy against a tall opponent
Infighting strategy
Strategy around the line
Strategy for the last 60 seconds of a winning game
Strategy when losing by 1~2 points

Competition Rules and Interpretation
Referee Signs
Call for Contestants
Panjung(Winner Declaration)
Kyesi(Referee Time)
Shigan(Contestant Time)
Gam-Jeum(Point Deduction)
Annulment of points

Terms and Pronunciation
Taekwondo Terms

5.Model's Profile



Système requis
Pour Pc:
- 450 MHz Pentium II ou plus
- 64 MB  RAM
- Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
- Lecteur CD-ROM

Pour Mac:
- PowerMac 400 MHz ou plus
- 64 MB RAM
- MAC OS 9.0 ou plus récent
- Lecteur CD-ROM